Filling in Gaps

not sure why the challenge to update this space. I do see it as part of my continued path in artistic adventure/compulsion. Maybe part of my hesitation lands around the validity of my work. Still gaining confidence. As well, putting content out on a limb, the vulnerability of it is not lost on me.

I will share works and some fun stuff to fill the gaps from the time of butterfly’s… and beyond

form and flow
loving the living skies in my home province
texture, color and light surround me
I built a glass wall for a shower. still in progress. I love glass.
Yup, a level did make an appearance. šŸ™‚
pens and sticks
pens and sticks, make a flat ladybug

results from a copper pour- water cast. I think i will be carving into it… still contemplating
making cards from paintings… my paintings have expiry dates (of sorts).. and then i repurpose them.
more cards drying..

Well that is some of my gap time. Will post one shortly for June. thanks for looking. take care.

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